Aline is a California girl who sees magic in the mundane and whimsy in the everyday. By day, she has extensive experience in event planning; fundraising, weddings, and high profile political fundraisers. She moonlights handling all things social for Gadchick. Aline lives and breathes fashion, design, tech, the internet, and really good food. She can be found alt tabbing between Manolos on eBay, Steam sales, Fashion Week live blogs, and that funny meme that you’ll hear about later this week. She just became addicted to marathons and is trying to curb her addiction to cotton candy. She’s part Martha Stewart, part Jonathan Adler, while her personal style falls somewhere between Audrey Hepburn and Sofia Coppola. Aline has been infatuated with fashion and the color pink from a very young age (referred to as Pinky growing up by her parents and often scolded for covering her walls with magazine editorials). Today she builds on her foundation of fashion and lifestyle blogging that she established in the community a few years back.

In Case of Fireworks, Break Glass hits every facet of the things that make her who she is.

Edibles: Entrees and appetizers, drinks and desserts. Here you’ll find anything nom related, from restaurant reviews (“Dainty Dish” posts) to kitchen utensil previews. Sometimes she’ll eat something and mimic it at home (“Form of Flattery” posts) and create a recipe as she goes… hope you’re hungry.

Wearables: The design and combination of clothing is what got Aline blogging in the first place. Traditional (“Outfit” posts) will showcase outfits as they evolve from her closet. The unconventional (“Out(fitt)ing posts) explain how the (“Outfit”) evolves to meet the needs of Aline IRL. If you are looking for something to wear to a very specific event, scroll through the (“What to Wear, w2w”) posts.

Enjoyables: These posts represent the little things that make Aline love her life. Typed up, cited, linked, little isolated posts for her to share with you. Travel and exploration, from literature to Call of Duty, interior design, and anything else she finds, well…. enjoyable.

Insightfuls: While the other posts are about the things around Aline, Insightfuls are about the inner workings of her as well as her looking out for you. She will take on new things in (“A Life Learner”) posts and she may just ramble on if she needs to vent.

*If you’re interested in personal styling, wardrobe consulting, both online and in real life, photoshoot styling, or wedding/event planning, contact Aline at

Personality Tags: Travel, Weekday Disneyland, Environment, Socially Progressive, Dreamcast, Wedding Planning, Marathon Running, Unnecessary Naps, Jonathan Adler, Audrey Hepburn, Sofia Coppola, Martha Stewart, Leather Bound Books, Whimsical, Boyfriend Mark, Prius, Social Networking, Thanksgiving In The Summer, Las Vegas, Summer Solstice Picnics, Home Cooking, Valve

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